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Writer's pictureLorien Holiday

What can we do? How to return to a place of strength

I speak with lots of people expressing understandable concern with regards to the very real and very serious, challenges and suffering in the world right now.

We can easily feel overwhelmed because our minds are desperately trying to come up with solutions that are quite simply beyond any individual one of us. We are faced with the perception of an ever increasing number of impossible threats. This constant sense of threat drains us, removing our ability to act effectively, to care for ourselves properly, to care for those we love as well as we might.

So what can we do?

Deliberately remind yourself of behaviours, patterns and actions that you can do, such as, take care of my body, do what I can to strengthen my mind, provide for my family, be a good friend, support local issues which you can make a difference with.

Remind yourself of these every day. Practice this every day. This is a key part as the forces working against our mental stability are relentless so we need to constantly remind ourselves of what we can meaningfully influence.

This will help return us to a sense of strength and safety which will in turn allow us to take more deliberate action in regards to other challenges we may wish to face, from a position of confidence and purpose as opposed to from a place of fear.

It won’t in itself remove the challenges we face as a whole but it will help to keep you and the people around you stronger and more able to take their needed individual actions which will help others in turn.

We are connected parts of a whole. Focus on your goals, your abilities, and how you might make a difference where you can.

If we can all do a bit more of that then we stand a better chance.

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