The Simple Pleasure of Discussing the Weather
We Brits are notorious for our use of the weather to prelude almost any conversation with almost anyone. Whether its friends, families, casual dog walking acquaintances, people you bump into at a check out, the weather is a go to conversation starter of choice more often than not.
Why do we perpetuation this habit? Surely it's all a bit inane?
It comes down to safe and near certain opportunity for connection, and connection is something we all need in our lives, something that if missing will have severe psychological and even physical consequences.
We all experience the weather, we absolutely have this in common. We might of course disagree about whether it is too hot or too cold, or if we need more or less rain, but this never results in an emotional outpouring or the rising of hackles in the manner which discussing politics or religion might. It also tends to be a closed conversation, assuming you don't start discussing the latest opposing views on climate change, you can be pretty sure you can wrap the conversation up regarding the weather in short order.
In summary through the weather we are almost assured of the ability to have a comfortably short, connecting and none confrontational communication with someone. A conversation so safe it could be held with almost anyone in almost any given situation. Critically this allows us to feel connection, and small, regular, positive, connections with people can have a profoundly beneficial effect on our mental outlook.
So go out and discuss the weather 🌞