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Meet Lorien

Certified Coach, Mindfulness & Wellbeing Expert

I wish I could say my journey to here and now was founded on altruism and a desire to help others.


The truth is that I was seeking to escape from my own deep sense of pain and suffering.


I was successful enough by all of the typical markers of society, with a promising career, house, cars, a wife who actually cared for me... But I was mostly miserable. The things I purchased were momentary distractions from the sense of purposelessness, from a lack of meaning. This sense of suffering affected me deeply and more importantly added struggle to the lives of those I cared about.


I was about to turn 40 and the prospect of working another 30 years doing something which gave me no joy was fortunately enough of an incentive to push me to try something completely new. I retrained as a personal trainer and by complete happenstance, ended up working with people in later life. My oldest client was 100 and my average client was in their 80's! I was helping with quality of life strength and mobility. Encouraging people to be as independent as possible and to be able to fight back a little against the rising tide of age. I was helping people in a deeply personal and significant way. And it wasn't just my direct client, but the families who gained from seeing improvement in the quality of life in their loved ones.


I found a niche working with people that the conventional wellbeing market would have written off. I helped younger people also, mainly with challenges that required more careful and considered attention, such as back injuries or neurological conditions.


Working with people physically opened my eyes to the significance of human psychology in resect of our overall wellbeing and quality of life. Physical challenges often came hand in hand with psychological pressures, both for the individual and for those close to them. It was clear that you could not care for your body as well as you could if your mental landscape was in ruins, nor could you care for your mental and emotional wellbeing if you weren't taking reasonable steps to support your physicality. The two were inseparable as much as we often like to think otherwise.


I completed further studies in human behavioural psychology, coaching, mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, neuro linguistic programming and hypnotherapy to bring a wide range of effective strategies to nurture and transform our mental landscape. To help us to help ourselves and to improve our quality of experience so that we can in turn make the quality of experience of those around us a little bit brighter too.


We can never control what happens to us in life but we can choose how we respond to it.  It may not be your fault that something happens but it is ultimately your responsibility as to how you choose to move forward. Having the skills and tools available to do this is crucial for your long term wellbeing and for the wellbeing of those closest to you.


I now help people physically and emotionally to help them take steps on the journey they want to be taking. To help reduce the experience of suffering, to help them realise that they are not alone, they are not the only one struggling with whatever circumstances there might be. To help people rediscover the sense of agency in their own life story.


I firmly believe that most of what ails us in life can be solved by us, using simple physical and mental tools and practices.  These tools should be available to all and should not be limited to those with the wealth to attain them.  


I hope you will invite me to be part of your journey and I look forward to working alongside you to meaningfully improve the quality of your life experience.

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